Bug On The Run

Early start to a long running career for one little womyn.

Monday, June 28, 2004

I've Been Running

The Run

I run pretty much most days except for Sunday now. I can do the small block without stopping all the time now. We will start doing the big block later this week. Mom says when I'm upto 1.5km I have to take 2 days a week off or else just do the little block once. I want to run all the time but she says you always have to take a break.

How I Feel

I do really good if I don't eat too soon before I run. Plus I learned to go pee just a couple minutes before I go running. Also I don't use my ventolin at all anymore which I like. I accidentally got a sun burn on one small part of my back because I couldn't reach to put my sunscreen there ('yes Mom I know to get someone to help next time'). My running top hurt so I used a tee shirt but it flaps in the wind and bugs me.

Other Stuff

I love being on summer vay, its so much fun. I never want to come in so Dad put up the tent so that DoeDoe and I can stay outside forever. Mom sleeps on the couch in the Living room like a 'guard dog' when we stay out there. It's good because she can get our stuff when we forget.

Later Gators

Monday, June 21, 2004

I Just Played

I just played with my friends tonight. I did do the monkey bars lots and I can do the swinging monkey bars now the whole way without falling off. My friend, MB, can do them and she looks like a lemur because she is so tiny that her legs come up to meet her hands when she swings.

DoeDoe ran with Dad but she giggled most of the way he said. She really likes the sports drink pouch so she doesn't miss a single run. ~smiles~

Later Gators, I'm really late for bed again. ~heehee~

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Keep On Buggin'

Happy Father's Day Daddy!! :-) Plus for all the other Dads too.

The Run

I'm just running lots. I can run the whole short block without stopping most days. I like to go biking around the big block then the short block for cross training.

How I Feel

My asthma isn't bothering me much lately. Plus my legs aren't as sore anymore.

Other Stuff

Thanks everyone for all the nice comments. I really like reading them with my Mom. It's neat that lots of people are happy that I like to run.

Later Gators

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

All The Way Around

Bug actually typed half of this herself first time around but somehow Mom and the internet lost it. So here is Mom retyping from memory and I hope I get all her words right. (usually she sits besides me and dictates but she is in bed of course) :-) Mom

The Run

I RAN THE WHOLE WAY AROUND WITHOUT STOPPING. I did the short block. I even did it a second time with DoeDoe, who said no she didn't want to go until I got back and then she wanted to. My friend came with us too but Fidelle (the dog) waited on my porch again. I love running lots.

How I Felt

I felt very very good. I drank all my water plus my blue drink. DoeDoe wanted to drink one before she went the run, Dad says 'no sports, no sports drink' so that is why DoeDoe wanted to run with me the second time. I had to use my ventolin for the second time around the block.

Other Stuff

My Grandma is visiting in her motor home for DoeDoe's birthday party which is friday even though her real BD was on D Day. I love my Grandma. Plus Grandma is going to be DoeDoe's show and tell at school tomorrow. I got 41/40 on my wolf project at school. I got the extra point for putting the english part in too. I think I run faster when I'm really happy.

Later gators

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

'Swimming, Running & MP3 Songs


I'm in swim lessons again, so twice a week I get to swim before my run. Boy am I hyper after all that. Dad bought me a new, really cool sports drink in a pouch that I get to have on Swim/Run nights. It's WAY good. I get to have it even though it has blue food coloring in it. (from Mom: I don't allow food coloring too often so this is pretty big deal ~winks~) I didn't run as much tonight, I walked more but I still did the whole short block. Fidelle (my friend's dog) just sat on my porch and watched me run then she waited patiently until I got back.

How I Felt

I'm pretty tired now but the sports drink helped me not be so thirsty this time. Mom still made me drink the whole bottle of water though. I think I will probably have to pee after I fall asleep now but Mom and Dad 'disagree.'

MP3 Songs

MP3s are perfect for kids because they are little like us. Ours new one is the coolest. Because all 4 of us share them we have sections on each one with songs for each of us. I like my section and Moms best. And my sister, DoeDoe, she likes her section and Dad's best. Cool eh?! So we're going to put down a few of the songs or singers from each of our sections so you get the idea. We aren't good with remembering titles...well mostly Mom isn't.

P.S. Chris, Mom will help me browse to your site and look at your list when you post it. :)

Bug's Music

Belly Of A Whale (veggie tales)
I Love My Lips (veggie tales)
Skater Boy (Avril Lavigne)
I Surrender (?)
Lord I Lift Your Name On High (?)
Up (Shania Twain)
Sand Storm (?)
This is What Dreams Are Made Of (Hillary Duff)

Mom's Music

Love is all around me (WetWetWet 'Mom & Dad's Wedding song')
Gregorian Chants Remix (? from Mom: Honestly this is really cool)
Sweet Surrender Remix (Sarah McLachlan)
Vox Remix (S McL)
Cupid (oldie ?)
Some Tracks from Good Morning Vietnam
Loreena McKennitt
Roger Whitacker
Buddy Whats-His-Name and The Other Fellas (Nfld Music)
Great Big Sea

Doe's Music

4 different 'Silly Songs By Larry' (Veggie Tales)
Barney teeth brushing song
Jesus Loves Me
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Nickelback (no kidding!!)
Hoja (Canadian acapella group-lots of fun)

Dad's Music

Radar Love (one of 'Mom & Dad's songs' Golden Earing)
Brian Adams
The Monkeys
The Animals
The Beatles
80's hits (~Mom rolls her eyes & giggles~)
Ace of Base
Pat Benetar

Later Gators

Monday, June 14, 2004

Catching Up On A Whole Week!

Mom has been super busy so we haven't done our blogs. I will catch up by saying: I'm getting really good!

Running Gear

I got the coolest new running suit. It's light blue and it's a running top with running shorts...it's just like what Mom wears. I also have really awesome runners. Dad even brought home another MP3 player for our family to use. I'm only allowed to use one ear phone though.


I can run half the short block without stopping now. Then I walk for 30 seconds, then I run a bit, then walk another 30 seconds etc. I do that until I'm finished the whole block. A couple times I was having so much fun I went around again but I mostly walked. My friend sometimes comes with me now and we take her dog. Her dog needs to loose weight, so we are all getting healthy together. We totally love the puddles and sometimes we sprint between them and then jump in. Both Mom and Dad love to do that too. Dad runs with me now too. You should see the big belly he got overseas, he says he loves Buddha.

How I felt

I feel pretty good mostly. I'm very thirsty all the time now so I drink a whole lot of water. I'm always good about drinking water. When I had pneumonia once and had to be in the hospital the nurses told my parents that I was the best kid they ever saw to drink water. It got me healthy faster.

later gators

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Very Big Hill


I did my first cross-training today. Mom took us for our run but I REALLY wanted to bike so she said okay if I would go down and then back up our big hill. I was super scared of the hill because it's really big and long and I've never biked down it before. I started to cry but then I took a deep breath and faced my fear and I went down the whole hill. Plus, I biked back up it all by myself without Mom pushing me. My sister DoeDoe was laughing hysterically the whole time I was going down.

How I Felt

My legs were really wabbly and my knees hurt a little bit too. Mom thinks that my knees are upset about me getting taller. My Dad is super tall so I'm more like him than Mom who is only 5 feet tall. I can almost wear her shoes. I also had to drink a whole lot of water when I got back and I didn't have to use my ventolin even though I have a cold sore.

Other Things

I am typing bymyself. DoeDoe got to use the mp3 player today so she was not sad from crosss-training. I cant use mp3 on the bike or else I might not heare cars. when I run I can use one ear of the mp3 playr. my favrite songe is bellie of the whale.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

My First Blog

Okay, we are using Mom's blog account to get me started and Mom is doing most of the typing for me still because I'm just learning to type properly. I'm going to be a lot like her because we both have straight brown hair, we both like to run and we will both be able to type on our blogs about running. So, my nick-name is Bug and I love to run. I wanted to keep a fitness journal like Mom does so I have one I can write in and this one online. I'm going to do this one in English though so that my Mom's friends can read it and they can give me comments and help and encouragement. That's what they do for her and she really likes it.

Today's Run

Today I started 'officially' being a runner. Mom was saying it's good to start so young (I'm less old than a teenager but you're not supposed to tell people too much about yourself on the internet) because kids naturally run really well without even thinking about it. My first goal will be to do our long block the whole way without stopping. That's about 1200 meters. I did the short block today and did a walk/run split. That's about 600 meters. I'm not going to time myself though until after I can reach my first goal. Then I'll start timing myself to set new goals and stuff.

How I Felt

Well I didn't have any trouble and when I was breathing too much I just slowed down and walked. You don't have to always run your fastest you know? You can just sort of run like fastish without going top speed and that way you are running but not getting tired out too fast. Oh, I have to take my ventolin with me because I have asthma when I have a cold and I have a cold right now BUT I totally didn't have to use it.

Later Gators