Catching Up On A Whole Week!
Mom has been super busy so we haven't done our blogs. I will catch up by saying: I'm getting really good!
Running Gear
I got the coolest new running suit. It's light blue and it's a running top with running's just like what Mom wears. I also have really awesome runners. Dad even brought home another MP3 player for our family to use. I'm only allowed to use one ear phone though.
I can run half the short block without stopping now. Then I walk for 30 seconds, then I run a bit, then walk another 30 seconds etc. I do that until I'm finished the whole block. A couple times I was having so much fun I went around again but I mostly walked. My friend sometimes comes with me now and we take her dog. Her dog needs to loose weight, so we are all getting healthy together. We totally love the puddles and sometimes we sprint between them and then jump in. Both Mom and Dad love to do that too. Dad runs with me now too. You should see the big belly he got overseas, he says he loves Buddha.
How I felt
I feel pretty good mostly. I'm very thirsty all the time now so I drink a whole lot of water. I'm always good about drinking water. When I had pneumonia once and had to be in the hospital the nurses told my parents that I was the best kid they ever saw to drink water. It got me healthy faster.
later gators
At June 14, 2004 at 6:02 p.m., Running Chick said…
It sounds like your training is going really well! And not only are you having FUN but now your dad is home to join you and mom while you run! That's so great!
At June 14, 2004 at 6:27 p.m., Mark said…
good going Bug - drinking lots of water is a habit many older people never learn!
At June 15, 2004 at 9:04 p.m., Reba said…
Thanks everyone. I like hearing from everyone, it's so neat. I'm the first one in my class to have a blog I think but one of the boys in my class likes to run too.
Annalisa, I really like your name.
Chris, my next post will be about my favourite MP3 songs...just for you. :)
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