Kids With High Cholesterol
I wanted to tell you that I'm a 9 year old with high cholesterol. When I found out my Mom and my Dad and me sat down and worked some things out. My Mom sure cried lots so that made me understand that it was a pretty important thing. Dad was calm but he fixes sick people in his job so nothing really bugs him Mom says. See, I don't always eat quite as good as Mom does (Dad eats whatever he wants) but really I'm not like most of the kids in my class because Mom makes most of my food herself. We changed some things with the Diet lady's help though. She says that high cholesterol is mostly genetic and that only 10% is helped by your diet and then 10% by exercising. The other 80% comes from your body on its own.
I'm almost normal after 6 weeks of flaxseed and oatmeal for breakfast every morning (yuck but I'm kind of used it sort of), plus no more margarine at all and no more deli meat at all either. Plus I had to give up french fries whenever we go to a restaraunt. That totally sucks.
I was only going on my run about once a week sometimes for a long time because Mom was away and I didn't think about it plus my asthma was getting really bad and I even got to go to the hospital twice. Mom says I haven't been in since I was 6. The only part I don't really like is the IV but the nurses say I'm very good and I drink more water than any kid they ever met including their own! The diet lady says I have to run at least 3 times a week for the rest of my whole life no matter what. The doctor thought that I should just walk because of my asthma but Mom says that's foolish because I only do a slow run anyway and I'm always prepared with my medication. Plus her or Dad go with me now to make sure I breathe okay. You know that your lungs can't get stronger if you don't exercise them?
So, I wanted to get on and tell everyone about my cholesterol because it is super important to get your kids checked out now. Don't feel like a bad parent if your child is high but you should feel bad if you don't help them fix it the diet lady says. I look really healthy and you probably wouldn't even think I had a problem if you saw me so don't be fooled if your kid looks normal. She says they start checking at 8 years old now.
Well, I get to watch TV today because I'm done my homework and I don't run until 445 today.
(Micheila typed and Mom editted)
Later Gators,
At September 28, 2004 at 8:56 a.m., A said…
Fantastic post! Thank you for sharing your experience with the rest of us. Personal stories always make the points much more vivid. I wish you the best of luck. It sounds like you're doing the right thing in taking this seriously. Happy trails!
At October 5, 2004 at 11:12 a.m., Lara said…
Thanks for the update Bug, I was wondering how you were doing. It's good that you and your folks are really working on the cholesterol issue. You are really working hard to get and stay healthy and that is great for you and an awesome example to your friends (and us too!). Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
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