Bug On The Run

Early start to a long running career for one little womyn.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

All The Way Around

Bug actually typed half of this herself first time around but somehow Mom and the internet lost it. So here is Mom retyping from memory and I hope I get all her words right. (usually she sits besides me and dictates but she is in bed of course) :-) Mom

The Run

I RAN THE WHOLE WAY AROUND WITHOUT STOPPING. I did the short block. I even did it a second time with DoeDoe, who said no she didn't want to go until I got back and then she wanted to. My friend came with us too but Fidelle (the dog) waited on my porch again. I love running lots.

How I Felt

I felt very very good. I drank all my water plus my blue drink. DoeDoe wanted to drink one before she went the run, Dad says 'no sports, no sports drink' so that is why DoeDoe wanted to run with me the second time. I had to use my ventolin for the second time around the block.

Other Stuff

My Grandma is visiting in her motor home for DoeDoe's birthday party which is friday even though her real BD was on D Day. I love my Grandma. Plus Grandma is going to be DoeDoe's show and tell at school tomorrow. I got 41/40 on my wolf project at school. I got the extra point for putting the english part in too. I think I run faster when I'm really happy.

Later gators


  • At June 17, 2004 at 6:50 p.m., Blogger Lara said…

    Hey Bug, I have been checking out your blog but this is the first time I've had an opportunity to comment - so my comment is: Good Job Girl!! Good for you for getting out there, and it looks like you are giving Doe some inspiration too (she says it's the sports drink but I'll be it's really you that's making her want to do it - gotta be like big sis!) :D

    And congrats on your wolf project too!

  • At June 17, 2004 at 7:24 p.m., Blogger Mark said…

    You are a terrific role model for young people Bug - make sure you and your mom come by and visit my blog soon. I have something special for you to look at there!

  • At June 18, 2004 at 10:53 a.m., Blogger Running Chick said…

    Wow! Sounds like you had a great day all around! Big kudos to you, Bug!


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